Letter to the editor: Reader asks why BOS shy of watershed groups

The Beaver Creek WMA formed in July 2016.

To the editor:

I addressed the following letter to the Supervisors of Dallas County Wednesday, Sept. 21:

I attended the origination meeting of the Beaver Creek Watershed Management Authority (WMA) yesterday afternoon in Perry. I was disappointed to learn that the Supervisors of Dallas County did not choose to join and support this group.

I am also concerned that the supervisors chose not to join the Oxley Creek and Walnut Creek WMAs. Dallas County did join the Middle-South Raccoon River WMA but did not give much encouragement for the group to continue. The Middle-South Raccoon WMA is the only watershed management authority in the state that has failed.

Oxley Creek in Granger, Beaver Creek and Walnut Creek have serious flooding issues, and the Raccoon Rivers have high amounts of pollution caused by farm field runoff. It seems as if the Supervisors of Dallas County lack concern for water quality and flooding issues.

Joining these watershed groups does not place any financial obligation on the county. The county can drop out of the agreement at any time, and the watershed authorities do not have any “authority” at all.

I know you understand the legal aspects of these agreements. However, I don’t understand your reasons for not joining and making an effort to help solve water quality problems in Iowa.

A survey done by the Dallas County Conservation Department several years ago found the number one concern of county residents was water quality. I and others citizens of Dallas County would like to know your reasons for Dallas County not participating in these agreements.

Ray Harden, Dallas County Soil and Water Conservation District commissioner


  1. Thank you, Ray, for your commitment to water and soil conservation in Dallas County. We need other residents to stand up and show their concern to the Supervisors. If we work together, we can help solve water problems. Democracy only works if we participate.


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