One sweet deal

Perry Elementary Co-Principal Ned Menke is given the Sunday treatment recently. Both Menke and fellow Co-Principal Joel Martin were subjected to a little "sweeting" as a reward to the student body for meeting behavioral and decision-making goals. Photo submitted.

The students at Perry Elementary School were rewarded recently by their co-principals with a fun ceremony — fun for the kids, that is.

Students were rewarded for meeting their PBIS goals, a school program designed to encourage proper respect shown to others, good behavior and wise choices in their decision making.

The reward? Turning Co-Principals Joel Martin and Ned Menke into giant sundaes, complete with chocolate syrup, whip cream, sprinkles and all the toppings.

Reports indicate the youngsters thought the occasion ‘sweet!’

Perry Elementary Co-Principal Joel Martin is “sweetened up” by two of his students. Photo submitted.


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