‘Peter Pan’ pleases three large audiences

Peter (Breanna Penenger), Wendy (Adriana Eastman), Michael (Derik Hill) and John (Sarah Sweet) soar over London during Saturday's final performance of "Peter Pan: And Your Heart Will Fly On Wings" at the Perry Performing Arts Center.

The cast and crew of “Peter Pan” have set the bar rather high for future productions from the Perry High School Music and Drama departments.

Playing to a sold-out house Friday night and large crowds Saturday afternoon and evening, the timeless charm of Sir James M. Barrie’s musical delighted all lucky enough to secure a ticket, creating a buzz throughout the community.

A cast of more than 60 students, ranging from the second grade through high school seniors, has been busy rehearsing the intricate choreography and numerous musical numbers.

“We have been working on Monday, Tuesday and Thursday evenings, from 6:30 until 9:30 on some nights, and since before Christmas,” said Keegan Eastman, who cut a sartorially eloquent figure as the dastardly Captain Hook. “To see the response and reaction from everywhere has been very rewarding.”

Smee (Madison Mason) serves as the top aide to the leader of the pirates, the swashbuckling Captain Hook (Keegan Eastman).

Eastman said he was excited to take on the challenge of Hook, who managed at once to be both charismatic and nefarious.

“He is such a diverse character,” Eastman said. “You have to be really serious but also really outgoing while also trying at the same time to have him being a little fancy and well-kept together. It was a lot of work but very worth it.”

Madison Mason, who portrayed Hook’s top pirate aide, Mr. Smee, said the cast and crew members had particularly enjoyed performing Tuesday for the student bodies of each of Perry’s schools.

“It was great to be able to show our classmates what we have been doing,” she said. “The reactions from the younger kids was also great and a lot of fun for us.”

Eastman said he would remember the elementary students and their reactions.

The Darling family are, from left: Michael (Derik Hill), Mrs. Darling (Karley Whelchel), Mr. Darling (Brian Amaya), John (Sarah Sweet) and Wendy (Adriana Eastman).

“They were really into it, and that just makes you want to do even better,” he said. “I loved having them here.”

Junior Breanna Penenger soared high in the title role, a spot she said she did not seek.

“This is my first production in high school, so I didn’t think I would get the lead role,” she smiled. “I just knew this was going to be great and wanted to be a part of it.”

While others took to the air, it was Peter’s flying that brought the greatest reaction from the crowds, especially the youngsters in attendance. Penenger said the trick was just to relax and trust the adults handling the rigging to keep her safe.

“The hardest part was just trusting that my flight operators would work together and would know what they were doing,” she admitted. “It didn’t take long to get to the point where I knew they weren’t going to send my crashing through a set piece — they did a great job.”

“At first the flying was hard for me because I am not a very coordinated person,” Penenger said, “and then you throw in the singing and it was tough for a while. Once I got the muscle memory down it allowed me to really focus on the songs and have fun with them, with exaggerated facial expressions and movements.”

The musical, directed by Jenn Nelson and Merrilee Bales, featured a pit orchestra under the musical guidance of Brandon Weeks, with Leah Weeks providing choreography while Michelle Kadikian directed flying sequences.




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