UPDATE: Standoff ends on Marengo Drive in Perry

The rear of the house at 2602 Marengo Dr. in Perry appears quiet, where a man with a high-powered rifle has sequestered himself. Law enforcement officers are standing by at the scene.

A standoff ended at 9:30 p.m. in Perry at 2602 Marengo Drive, where a man with a high-powered rifle sequestered himself in the house. Unconfirmed reports have identified the subject as Cody Robinson.

Perry Police Department, Dallas County Sheriff and Iowa State Patrol officers cordoned off the neighborhood for several hours Sunday afternoon and evening. There were no hostages involved. The gunman was not taken into custody, and no charges were filed.

ThePerryNews.com will continue to update this story as it develops.

Perry Police Department officers observe from behind a tree the house at 2602 Marengo Dr. in Perry, where a man has barricaded himself in a standoff with law enforcement.
Perry Police Department officers observe from behind a tree the house at 2602 Marengo Dr. in Perry, where a man has sequestered himself in a standoff with law enforcement.


  1. I live on Marengo Dr., and want to sincerely commend our police force for their confident, courteous and professional handling of the neighborhood residents yesterday. They made us aware that a “situation” was taking place, they gave us information, and calmly proceeded with their work!
    Great job guys — great job!
    Chuck Schott

  2. I did not surrender in any way. I never broke the law in any way and the police left without taking anyone from my house. I also slept in my own bed last night. In this state it is 100% legal to carry a firearm in my house and I can refuse to answer the door to anyone that comes to it. As long as I don’t threaten anyone with that firearm or point it at anyone it is not against the law. It is also not my fault I do not get cell reception in my basement which is why it took so long to get resolved. Plus this is the only place that indicates that I came to the door with a firearm. please know what you are reporting before you blabber your mouth. I’m just a guy having a really bad week and didn’t want to talk to anyone at the time.

  3. no one surrendered in this. the police left with out taking anyone in custody. I did nothing illegal and i slept in my own bed last night. I was in my basement and i don’t get reception in my basement. that is why this took so long. was just having a bad week and didn’t want to talk to anyone. Just for your information anyone in this state that has a right to own a firearm can answer the door with thus firearm. as long as no one is threatened or the firearm isn’t pointed at anyone then there is nothing illegal about that. you should get your facts straight before being a reporter.

  4. I would like to say the media twist on this whole misunderstanding is typical of uneducated journalism….this young man did nothing to break any law nor harmed or intended to harm anyone. Some might say people should just “leave well enough alone”. In this instance the “well enough” was a young man who shouldnt have been made out to be a gun toteing madman. which couldnt be any further from the truth. kuddos to you CODY ROBISON for standing up for yourself and your rights as an american citizen. and to all involved for resolve without incident. In a way this restores my faith in american values wich we all should take a closer look at. “we the people”. get a good nights sleep Mr Robison cause you deserve it, with a free and clear concious.

  5. If there was nothing to hide then why retreat to your basement? Surely this wasn’t the first time this man had been in his basement and knew he wouldn’t get cell phone reception. Everyone has bad days, bad weeks. Is this a way for a grown man to act when he has a bad day? I feel for the other people involved. He clearly has issues. There are just loop holes in the law!

  6. I would assume he retreated to his basement because he said he didn’t want to talk to anyone. I’m sure he also knew he didn’t have reception in his basement as indicated in above post. Maybe he decided to express his rights. How do you know this man has issues? Not everyone in the world acts the same over every circumstance and every situation that might happen to come about. If the authorities felt he was a threat they would have taken him to get help or into custody. I also hate to be a bearer of bad news but everyone in this world has issues of some sort. No one is perfect.

  7. I agree everyone deals with stress in a different way. This man should have been charged with something. There is a lot he isn’t telling. He caused extensive damage to the inside of this home, cut down his basement stairs with a chain saw. If you check the assessors website you will also see the home doesn’t even belong to him, it a rental home. I feel bad for the women, children and the owner of the home. This is man should have been charged and sent for a mental evaluation.


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