Bats bring benefits but also costs

Photo by Ann Froschauer, U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service

As human populations grow, the natural habitat for other species shrinks. Displaced animals may seek homes in garages, attics or under decks and porches.

There are benefits to having bats living in an area because a small bat eats between 1,000 and 2,000 insects every night, according to the Iowa Department of Natural Resources (DNR).

Even if you appreciate bats getting rid of mosquitoes, you probably prefer that bats stay outdoors. If you find bats in or near your home, consider putting up a specially made bat house so the bats will roost there instead of seeking shelter in buildings. For expert advice, visit the DNR website.

You can become infected with rabies by contacting a bat’s brain, spinal cord or saliva. If you are bitten by a bat or find a bat in a room where someone has been sleeping, capture the bat.

Wear gloves to do this!

A lab can test the animal’s brain to see if you will need rabies shots. Do not release the bat or throw it in the garbage. Do not crush the skull or attempt to remove the brain.

Contact the Dallas County Health Department at 515-993-3750 for help with lab testing.

Ann Cochran is the health navigation coordinator in the Dallas County Public Health Department.


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