Fall dinner review pleases readers starved for food, fellowship

Doors to the Bayard UMC were wide open Sept. 22, 2019, for their annual Salisbury steak dinner.

Hello, dinner fans. It has been some time since I have written about my adventures with dinners these past few months. One reason was that the computer that I use at Pegasus for writing was not hooked up to the internet. My lack of motivation was a second reason.

Lately, I have not had the motivation to edit programs at Pegasus or to write these stories. I do have a lot of pictures to share, so let us go all the way back to September 2019, which was the kick off for the Beloved Dinner Season.

It all started on Labor Day, Sept. 2., when the Woodward Public Library had a dinner fundraiser. The main course was chicken with a macaroni dish, baked beans, chips and a dessert. Monies raised was for the Library. Dan came with me to share the food and fellowship.

Next was the Rippey United Methodist Church fall ice cream social Sept. 8. They always have one in June and this one in September. I used to think that these came around fast until I started paying better attention. Beef burgers, desserts and homemade ice cream are always the order at this event. Monies raised are for the church and missions.

I always enjoy visiting with several people at the Rippey events. Dan took his grandkids and came and went before I got there.

On Sept. 11 was the monthly Heartland Church of Christ dinner, always held the second Wednesday of the month from 5:30-6:30 p.m. This dinner is always free. This time they served loose meat sandwiches, cheese potatoes, home grown tomatoes, various salads and dessert bars.

The food is always good and plenty of time to visit with the people there. Most of the attendees are regulars like me. They will have a dinner next Wednesday. I happened to run into Terry Carmichael and asked him what was on the menu. He was not sure. But everyone is welcome to stop in. There is always plenty of food.

On Sept. 15 was the Trinity Lutheran Church dinner. They hold several suppers through out the year and a breakfast in March. The menu was a pork chop, potato salad, baked beans and beverage. This was an excellent meal. They had some other great meals later, too. Funds raised go towards church needs and missions.

On Sunday, Sept. 22 after church services, I headed to the Bayard United Methodist Church. They have a Salisbury steak dinner that I usually do not find out about until after the fact. Not this year. Dan did not go with me to this. I think that he had to work out of state.

This was another excellent dinner: Salisbury steak, homemade mashed potatoes and gravy, corn and a dinner roll. I need to do this again next year. Monies raised were for church needs and missions.

I missed the VFW Post 9599 dinner on Sept. 27. I believe that was a Friday, and I was recording a football game for Pegasus. I also missed the Avondale UMC dinner Sept. 28. It was too far away. I missed the Bowman Chapel UMC outside of Guthrie Center dinner Sept. 29 and really hated to miss this dinner. That was the day of the Perry First UMC 150th anniversary celebration. You cannot be in two places at once. We had an excellent dinner at the Perry First UMC on that day.

I have many other dinners to discuss so look for future articles. I also am thinking about an article entitled, “The Lord Giveth and the City Council Taketh Away,” because man does not live by church dinners alone.


  1. Hello, I enjoyed your article. My family belongs to St John Lutheran Church in Carroll, and we have a free meal every month. It is very well attended and do not require anything accept bringing your appetite. Great….


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