Former Jamaica mayor given surprise 60th birthday party

Former Jamaica Mayor Pam Chance had a surprise 60th birthday party thrown in her honor Saturday in the former YJB High School, which Chance owns.

JAMAICA — Twice the mayor of Jamaica as a write-in candidate, Pam Chance obviously has plenty of friends and admirers.

Many of those showed up Saturday at the former YJB High School to surprise the owner of Chance Upholstery with a party for her 60th birthday.

Chance bought the building in 1998 and last summer sold the two eastern rooms off the gymnasium to Jen Hollman, who changed the name of the Do Drop bar to the Just One More. Ownership of the rest of the facility remained with Chance, and it was in the gym that a large crowd of well-wishers gathered at 6 p.m. to surprise the birthday girl.

“We have been planning this for six months, but apparently she was still genuinely surprised,” Chance’s daughter, Melissa, said. “I wanted to do something special for her, and there were a lot of people willing to help.”

Melissa said while she was growing up, her mother would joke every winter about using her 1976 Harley Davidson as a Christmas tree, which Melissa would never allow. On her mother’s 60th birthday, the “hog” was covered with holiday lights as a nod to the past, and Pam was more than happy to pose for photos on “my favorite ride.”

The catered party may have begun at 6 p.m., but the fun was assured of lasting throughout the night. Area band Four Shades of Grey was slated to begin playing at 8 p.m. with the merry-making likely to continue into the wee hours.

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