Green eggs and ham served at Trinity Lutheran Church

Serving up green eggs and ham Saturday morning were Trinity Lutheran Church volunteers, from left, Ella Pennington, Mark Golightly, Cindi Sprecher, Linda Goldsberry and Linda Kirkman.

Perry-area dwellers surprised by the overnight snowfall could find a warm meal when pancakes paired with green eggs and ham at the Trinity Lutheran Church fundraising breakfast Saturday morning.

The Rev. Ken Bose welcomed visitors to the meal, and kitchen hands included Linda Kirkman, Linda Goldsberry, Ella Pennington, Cindi Sprecher, Mark Golightly and several others, who together kept the griddle hot and the coffee cups filled.

Bose will preach this Sunday, which marks the sixth anniversary of his ordination into the  Lutheran Church-Missouri Synod. The week’s festivities continue Wednesday, March 21, Bose’s birthday.

“My dad said I was born on the first day of spring,” Bose joked Saturday with visitors, “and that’s why I’m so windy.”

The Rev. Ken Bose, left, will preach this Sunday, which marks the sixth anniversary of his ordination into the  Lutheran Church-Missouri Synod. Bose will also celebrate his birthday Wednesday, March 21.


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