Learning experience as driver’s ed car clips bumper

A two-vehicle collision in the 700 block of First Avenue was a learning experience for at least one of the drivers, who was behind the wheel of a Street Smarts driver's education car.

A two-vehicle collision in the 700 block of First Avenue was a learning experience for at least one of the drivers, who was behind the wheel of a Street Smarts driver’s education car.

No injuries were reported in the accident, which occurred about 9 p.m. Friday.

The collision appeared to happen in the driveway of a retail store parking lot, and the cars came to rest side by side, parallel and facing in opposite directions, with the rear bumper of one of the vehicles lying on the ground.

No significant damage was visible on the Street Smarts car.

The circumstances of the mishap are under investigation at this hour by the Perry Police Department.

ThePerryNews.com will update this story as information becomes available.


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