Letter to the editor: Dallas Center Farmers Market seeks vendors


To the editor:

It’s time to think about the garden and the Farmers Market in Dallas Center. We are going to try to keep things flowing well and to bring in more customers.

We will be at the Raccoon River Valley Trail Head up town again this year and would like to have a group or organization for entertainment each week. We will see if that will work.

If you have any ideas or questions, please call or e-mail us at 992-3220 and drfire@juno.com. For a vendor’s application form, click here.

The Dallas Center Farmers Market will run from June 2 to Sept. 29.

If you are growing things for the market, we need lots of vegetables to help bring in the customers. It helps to keep people coming when they know that there will be something fresh there every week.

People love the early things.

If you would like a spot in the market, then please return your application to me by May 17.
Please email your completed application form to drfire@juno.com.

Happy growing season!

Donna Wagner
Dallas Center


  1. John Patrick is absolutely right. For a small town in a rural state, Perry offers little in the way of organic and locally grown produce. I’m grateful for all of you who have backyard plots. Your excess produce is quite a treat for those of us unable to tend gardens. Unfortunately, there is only a small window of time when your efforts come to fruition. Most of us depend on products shipped in from hundreds of miles away. We also have grave concerns about any chemicals either in or on these produce. Methinks some stewards of the Earth would eschew the propagation of GMO row crops and set aside some land for what they call truck farms in Eastern states. It all brings to mind a joke that’s been going around a few years: “What did they call organic food 75 years ago?” FOOD


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