Letter to the editor: Does coup await ‘unbalanced’ Trump?


To the editor:

I am a student of history. I posted this on Facebook. My liberal friends would be reluctant to repost it because I have accused them of being too over the top in their criticism of Trump.

I never conceived of a coup d’état before. If I were a general, I would do it. We are in very scary times.

I admired Reagan. I saw Obama’s flaws. I also saw his values. This guy is an abomination.

Can no one see the possibility of the military reacting to his irrational, traitorous actions? I couldn’t conceive of it until today.

This egomaniacal jackass could destroy the planet or threaten us with the first possibility of a junta since the 18th century.

In some respects Trump is right. I think he knows that Putin would not pull the nuclear trigger. I have no such confidence that Trump wouldn’t if his ego was threatened.

We have a seriously mentally imbalanced president.

God help us.

George Eldridge


  1. So, Mr. Eldridge, you don’t like our president. Unbalanced, how so? You seem quick to trash Mr. Trump but give no supporting comments. This unstable man has done things for the citizens of our great country that no other president was capable of doing. Didn’t North Korea just release bodies of our fallen Korean War dead? Has he not encouraged business to expand and brought unemployment lower than the last two presidents were able to achive? Did he not meet released U.S. citizens who were being held in North Korea prisons? Under his watch, has the war against ISIS all but ended? Has he not, in first year in office, done more for this country than those that came before him? If this is mentally imbalanced, I hope that a few imbalanced individuals are elected in future elections.


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