Letter to the editor: Election workers unite behind Helm for auditor

Julia Helm of Adel seeks the Republican nomination for Dallas County auditor in the June 7 primary election.

To the editor:

This is a letter of support from the Dallas County precinct elections officials for Julia Helm’s bid for Dallas County Auditor.

We are your friends and neighbors who greet you at the polls with a smile. We check you in on the laptops and issue you a ballot.

There are more than 200 precinct officials who work with Julia Helm in any election cycle. She trains us with integrity, focusing on election law. With much patience, she is willing to go the extra mile to make sure we all understand and feel comfortable with election procedures.

The training materials, which she has developed, explain the election machines and are essential for completing all the steps of opening and closing the polls. Her hands-on training, both with these machines and with the electronic poll book, makes us feel confident in executing accurate elections.

We work hard to get the elections results in as quickly as possible, and we know that Julia has a plan to improve this process.

She has the knowledge and the proven election experience to move the auditor’s office into the future. Please join all of us precinct election workers in voting for Julia Helm, someone we know and trust, in the Republican primary election June 7.

Jeanne Arends, Woodward
Mike Oliver, West Des Moines
Cindy Baldon, Adel
Cindy Partington, Dallas Center
Sue Beavers, Dallas Center
Jackie Ricco, Granger
Sue Cline, Waukee
Donna Robert, Adel
Jim and Marilyn Daniel, Clive
Cindy Rote, Dexter
Roberta Deford, Linden
Lana Schrock, Adel
Denny Hagedorn, Urbandale
Sharon and Tom Sepic, West Des Moines
Pat Banwart Hartley, Adel
Betty Tomlinson, Adel
Mary Jo Jennings, Van Meter
Dawn and Van Van Buren, Adel
Joy Knight, Linden
Georgia Vincent, Perry
Jeanne McCauley, Adel
John and Geri Williamson, Earlham
Mary Ockerman, Adel


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