Letter to the editor: Ernst doesn’t know beans


To the editor:

U.S. Sen. Joni Ernst is endorsed by the Iowa Corn Growers Association. They clearly did not interview her beforehand.

At the Senate debate, Ernst was not even close with a $5.50 guess for beans and then claimed Theresa Greenfield’s correct answer for corn was wrong.

Iowa’s economy is driven by agriculture. No farmer should be voting for Ernst.

Julie Stewart


  1. Not knowing today’s price for beans is a disqualifier? I’m more interested in her and her opponent’s stance on issues (as were the Iowa Corn Growers), but I guess knowing bean prices is another way to make one’s choice.

  2. If Sen. Joni Ernst does not know the basics of the farm economics, then why would we assume that she knows anything about policy? Tell me what input did Joni have on the farm bill. I am guessing that Joni was endorsed by the Iowa Corn Growers without their ever talking to Theresa Greenfield. All Joni needed was an R behind her name.


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