Letter to the editor: Ex-BCHS director thanks volunteers


To the editor:

I want to thank members of the Boone community who have aided the Boone County Historical Society (BCHS) in challenging times during the past two years. Hard working, dedicated residents and friends have stepped up time and again to assist in the process of improving the BCHS and especially the Boone History Center.

Neighboring Dallas County residents have also supported and participated in many activities at the Boone History Center, and we are grateful for those supporters. Some supporters have given time, others historical insight and still others some much needed financial support. Some gave all three!

One of our 2016-2018 steady supporters was Ed Mondt. Mondt helped to make lasting and positive changes to our galleries by applying valuable insights from his experiences tied to Boone’s downtown history.

During her lifetime, Lois Kuhl provided the BCHS with an excellent oral history, financial support and artifacts for our local exhibits. Also, Dr. John Murphy provided valuable perspectives on Boone’s interesting medical timeline with his research and stories.

Dr. Murphy’s contributions, through written and oral histories, provided the basis for the Becoming Boone medical exhibit that was curated by Cathy Currell. The exhibit is on permanent display at the Boone History Center. Dr. Murphy added significantly to what became a great exhibit.

When the building facade collapsed in 2016, it was Dr. Murphy who led the community and helped the BCHS recover.

There are many dedicated individuals who continue to offer their skills, time and talent. We want to acknowledge each and every one. Thanks to all!

As most people are aware, recent efforts have hindered the BCHS’s ability to raise substantial funds for our daily operations. Even in adversity, BCHS volunteers continue to move forward as they seek to celebrate the arts, culture and history of Boone County. Please drop by from 10 a.m. to 1 p.m. Tuesday through Saturday to see what has been accomplished against all odds.

For those who remain supportive, may you know how greatly appreciated you are. If you’re seeking a volunteer opportunity, please consider applying for a volunteer position when the BCHS opens for the touring season in May 2019. With the help of many hands, we can continue to achieve excellence in cultural programming.

For new residents who’ve never been to the Boone History Center, please consider attending the upcoming Holiday on Story Street soup supper that takes place in late November before the annual lighted parade.

Mara MacKay


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