Letter to the editor: Father strongly endorses son, Bob Boyle


To the editor:

My name is Bill Boyle. I lived in your great state for about 25 years. For many years, my wife, Thelma, and I had a small supermarket in Guthrie Center, Mr. Bill’s Foodland.

Later we built a much larger store in Grimes. It was called Mr. Bill’s Marketplace.

When it came time to retire, we sold our store and moved to Florida. We still have family in Iowa.

Today I would like to talk to you about my firstborn son, Bob, of Perry. He owns and operates a small convenience store there, Bluejay Market.

Bob came with me to Iowa about 30 years ago. He married a lovely young girl from Casey, Denise Hansen. Together they raised four of the most well-mannered, God-fearing young men you will ever encounter. They are all good, solid, church-going Christians with strong morals.

I am very proud of this entire family. Bob did not ask me to write this letter. I chose to do so because I believe he is the right man for the job.

Bob is running for Iowa State Representative District 20 as a Libertarian. I know he will be a great choice.

Based upon what I can see of our national politics, neither the Republicans nor the Democrats are able to give us a decent choice. We need fresh, new attitudes in our government, and we need less government.

Bob is for term limits, as I feel we all should be. The current Representative has been elected nine times and has held the job for nearly 18 years. It’s time for a change.

Please elect my son. I guarantee you will not be sorry. Thank you.

Bill Boyle
Port Charlotte, Fla.


  1. Interesting to note that Boyle has yard signs posted in yards of vacant houses or houses where nobody lives anymore, especially on Willis Avenue and especially the site of the new senior housing at Tenth and Willis. I am surprised property owners do not complain. I don’t think this is right.


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