Letter to the editor: Legislators’ lives worth more than meatpackers’?

Iowa Gov. Kim Reynolds speaks at a press conference Thursday, May 14.

To the editor:

I am writing to bring attention to the hypocrisy associated with Governor Reynolds’ choosing to open all Iowa counties during this coronavirus pandemic, compared to the decision of the Iowa Legislature regarding reconvening.

Gov. Reynolds is acting under the tutelage of President Trump, who invoked the Defense Production Act over meat processing in Iowa, mandating that meatpackers keep the lines running.

On May 13, Reynolds opened Polk County, but we see the Iowa Legislature under Republican leadership choosing not to re-convene the legislature until June 4.

The legislative chambers are much more spacious and much different from the close proximity workers on the meat processing line endure. It is my observation this is white supremacy making decisions that impact real essential workers, treating them as disposable as a piece of equipment.

Iowa, we should be ashamed.

Mary Weaver



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