Letter to the editor: Lots of ‘Great Reasons’ to Vote Yes


To the editor:

My name is Chad Morman, and I am one of the Industrial Technology teachers at Perry High School. I am writing to help educate people on the “Great Reasons” to vote for this bond referendum.

I have lived in Perry most of my life, and the shop and wrestling room have been a big part of making me who I am today. I wrestled in Jr. Jay and spent a lot of time in the wrestling room when my brother qualified to wrestle at the state tournament.

I competed in SkillsUSA and won state in carpentry and then competed at Nationals. I have stayed involved with the shop as much as I could over the years. I also teach at DMACC here in Perry, and you can see how much more advanced the kids are who have a good Industrial Tech program.

All of the reasons you could think of for expanding the shop are true. Industrial Tech is the only academic program in our school district that has not been updated. The shop was built in 1965, and the exhaust fans and wiring are way out of date. Modern machinery has gotten bigger and takes more power. The ventilation system necessary for working on cars, welding and sawdust collection needs to meet current government requirements.

Space is always an issue as the number of students enrolled in our classes has increased without additional equipment or space for the students to work.

These are all reasons, personal and professional, for the community to support the students of this district. The Industrial Tech program has done very well over the years. Imagine how much better we can do with an up to date facility.

So please join me in voting Yes on Feb. 5.

Chad Morman


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