Letter to the editor: Make America Gotti Again


To the editor:

These are dark, dark days.

Ignorance and intolerance are the stock and trade of both political parties. It’s an understatement to mention how both parties are rife with corruption. They are quite like the Mafia.

All Mafia families use violence and extortion, but the most successful of them are low key about it all. It’s known they all commit heinous acts, yet these wicked operations are best kept relatively discreet. Plausible deniability is a must.

When a Mafia family keeps to the shadows, the rest of us also tend to keep our negative emotions and unhealthy passions under control. When the Mob operates with a measure of self-control, the rest of us can make believe and live as if the evil doesn’t exist.

With our heads in the sand, we are more inclined to control ourselves. When we can pretend the evil doesn’t exist, we can pretend no moral code is being broken.

There is a dichotomy here. The Democrats are like the Gambino family during the reign of Carlo Gambino himself. Trump is to the GOP what Gotti was to the Gambino family after the Sparks Steakhouse hit. When Gotti became a folk hero, the skunk and murderer developed a sort of fan club. His criminality became accepted as a matter of course.

In like manner, Trump’s arrogance and overt corruption just doesn’t seem to bother many people. There’s a huge difference between acknowledging the corruption in our government and being okay with that corruption. Saying you’re okay with Trump is like saying you’re okay with all the loansharking, extortion, drug marketing and violence connected to the Mafia.

It’s one thing to say that the Mafia exists. It’s quite another to say you’re okay with the Mafia and what it does.

Trump is not a Robin Hood by any stretch of the imagination. He rubs our noses in his sense of invulnerability in much the same style as Gotti. It sickens me to know that his fan base admires him for his open and arrogant assault on civility and justice, just like Gotti.

Nick Eakins


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  1. Your cackling hyena lost. Deal with it. Biden and the left with their failed policies and wokeness have dragged us all to a new low. The next four years will be a breath of fresh air compared to the last four years of idiocy.

    • Your feelings and opinions about Biden are irrelevant. The subject is Trump. Also, I concede Trump won. Your assumption I haven’t accepted it is a distinct error on your part caused by your emotions clouding your vision. Your assumption that I have been an avid fan of Biden is also very invalid for much the same reason. As for the Left you mention, there is very little in the way of a truly viable Left in this country and hasn’t been in decades though Sanders and AOC often punch above their weight. I doubt whether you really even know what a genuine Leftist is. A new low? You seem to have no real experience with just how low this country has gone in my lifetime back to the inception of the U.S. Woke? I am Woke because of not only those who have gone before me but primarily by the Grace of God Himself. I am Woke because I really endeavor to do what Jesus would do and ask for His forgiveness when I don’t. You invoke the Woke term like there’s something wrong with it. I’ll gladly wear the Woke badge.

    • Why must you resort to vulgar names to try to diminish what a brave woman Ms. Harris has to be? To stand up for what she believes is right and just, to be noble in the face of ignorant detractors, to run for the second and then first of the highest political office of this great land? It’s not easy when you’re not a megalomaniac, not demented, not a billionaire, not a white man! If it were, people like you, Greg, would be doing it!

      • She’s been a dirt bag since San Francisco. Dating the biggest gangster in town and cutting his buddies sweetheart deals, political grandstanding on the death of SFPD Officer Isaac Espinoza’s murder and covering for a cocaine-addicted lab tech resulting in the dismissal of over 1,000 cases. That’s just the garbage I remember before I left the state. She’s a political stooge, who I suspect has never been qualified for ANY of the power positions she’s held. I for one am VERY thankful that we dodged that bullet.

        • “Democracy is the theory that the common people know what they want and deserve to get it good and hard.”
          ― H.L. Mencken, A Little Book In C Major

    • Hi, Greg. It’s me. From the future. So, how’s that Trump working out for you so far? Enjoying those new breaths of fresh air? Musk making you feel all safe at night, without a care in the world? Does having the likes of Elon, Marco, Kash and Tulsi at the wheel bring back the warm-and-fuzzies? No more woke? Terrific. Check your Trump mailbox. He says you can go back to sleep now. Your services are no longer needed.

  2. “As democracy is perfected, the office of president represents, more and more closely, the inner soul of the people. On some great and glorious day the plain folks of the land will reach their heart’s desire at last and the White House will be adorned by a downright moron.” -― H. L. Mencken, “On Politics: A Carnival of Buncombe”


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