Letter to the editor: Waukee School Board has issues

The Waukee Community School District Board of Education is composed of, front row from left, Directors Lori Lyon and Mary Scheve, Board Vice President Wendy Liskey and Board President Susan Bunz; second row from left, Directors Jerry Ripperger, Ethan Huisman and David Cunningham. Photo courtesy Waukee CSD

To the editor:

I attended the Nov. 13 Waukee School Board meeting and was very surprised during the public comment portion. The board president attempted to violate the First Amendment rights of David Leonard, who was voicing his dissatisfaction with the board’s defense of its chief operating officer, Eric Rose.

Rose admitted using his position to solicit money from vendors, use school equipment for personal use, drive a district vehicle on personal time, alter time cards to pay employees for hours they didn’t work and retaliate against school district employees — among other infractions.

Rose has been employed for 13 years. At a current salary of $140,000, he could easily purchase his own snow blower and other district items for his personal use. He and the school board have a fiduciary responsibility, and the taxpayers and district employees deserve honesty and integrity from their school district staff and elected officials.

The school board and superintendent need to review their HR mission statement and tell us whether Rose fits those criteria. If he were to apply for a job today, I doubt he would pass the background check.

When his investigation was active, he created what I consider a hostile work environment for those he felt were possibly not complying with his wishes. Under the Iowa Whistle Blowers Act, employees are protected from being fired but not against retaliation from the accused or the guilty. I’m sure that keeps many employees silent in fear of retaliation.

Every school district has anti-bully policies for students, but ironically there are none to protect employees from the type of toxic environment Rose created to get back at those he was uncomfortable with in their cooperating with his investigation. The board may want to consider adopting such a policy to avoid future lawsuits and to save itself the added expense of hiring a PR company at $150 an hour to put their questionable behavior in a better light.

If you do your job with integrity, there is no need to pay for that kind of service. The money can be put to much better use.

I would like to give special thanks to the Waukee Police Department for their having two officers present to maintain order at the Nov. 13 meeting and for their investigation of Rose’s actions.

As the district might want to save Rose from losing his position, there are other jobs available he may be better suited for. A janitorial position is a necessary one, but it requires physical work, and you must be trustworthy and consistent.

As the board considers its next move in this matter and decides how much they are willing to spend of taxpayer money to defend Rose, the residents of Waukee need to address their school board officials and representatives. Demand a replacement and create an honest and ethical atmosphere in the district.

If not, you can expect more of the same. Be prepared to bear the cost and shame for it. The school board members were elected on their integrity, commitment and honesty. I think that’s the least we should expect. That’s Waukee Pride!

Tom Mazza


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