Assisting logistically in the spring garage sale at the United Methodist Church in Perry Friday afternoon were, from left, Darrell Bever, Karen Mertz, Barb Warner, Colleen Witmer, Donna Royer and Bob Warner. Joe Royer was moving furniture when this picture was taken.
The United Methodist Church in Perry began its spring garage sale and bake sale today at noon with a flurry of bargain hunters in search of good deals. Today’s sale continues until 7 p.m. and again on Saturday from 8 a.m. until noon. A variety of baked goods are offered and a wealth of low-priced clothing, housewares, furniture and more.
Ray and Margaret Harden of Perry worked the till Friday afternoon at the start of the spring garage sale sponsored by the United Methodist Church in Perry. The sale continues today until 7 p.m. and Saturday from 8 a.m. until noon.