Need help sticking to New Year’s resolutions?


The start of the new year is a great time to set goals to improve your health and wellbeing, but many find that sticking to New Year’s resolutions can be challenging.

Follow these tips to succeed in seeing the changes you’re hoping for.

First, carefully decide which goals you want to focus on. What would make you feel like a better version of yourself?

Your resolutions don’t have to be huge or completely life changing. Setting small, achievable goals is a good idea too. It’s never too late to start or to change your resolutions.

After you’ve picked one or two goals to focus on, write them out as SMART goals, which stands for specific, measurable, achievable, relevant and time-bound.

For a resolution to get more sleep, you might write, “By the end of March 2025, I will get at
least eight hours of sleep each night by making my bedtime 15 minutes earlier each week and keeping a log of my bedtimes and wake times.”

It is also important to plan rewards for yourself when you reach milestones on your journey. Consider buying yourself a gift, eating at your favorite restaurant or taking a day off.

When you face challenges in keeping your resolutions, you’ll want to have a support system to lean on. Let your friends or family know what your new year’s goals are when you set them. Then they can hold you accountable and support you along the way.

Lastly, don’t be too hard on yourself if you make a mistake and get off track. Instead, learn from your setbacks. Know that it’s a normal part of making life changes, and you can always start fresh again the next day.

Natalie Peters is the community health educator in the Dallas County Public Health Department.


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