Out-of-control SUV leaves path of wreckage at Perry Park Apartments

A vehicle struck a number of objects Wednesday in the Perry Park Apartments, including a dumpster, another vehicle and an apartment building,

A motorist lost control of an SUV Wednesday afternoon in the Perry Park Apartments housing complex and struck a number of objects, including a dumpster, another vehicle and an apartment building, before coming to rest.

It was not immediately clear whether anyone was injured in the incident, which occurred shortly after 2 p.m. in the 2400 block of Perry Park Avenue.

A tenant of the complex told The PerryNews.com that the vehicle apparently traveled westward from 16th Street in a large arc, driving first through a rose bush and then demolishing a trash dumpster and its wooden shelter before striking and very extensively damaging a parked vehicle and finally coming to rest against the rear of duplex number three.

The Perry Police Department, Perry First Responders, Perry Volunteer Fire Department and Dallas County EMS responded.

ThePerryNews.com will update this story as information becomes available.


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