Panorama girls outpace Ogden Bulldogs Friday

Zoey Hambleton drives on a Bulldog. Photo by Mallory Quick

OGDEN, Iowa — The Panorama High School girls basketball team defeated the Ogden Bulldogs 68-35 on Friday night, with Tyme Boettcher leading Panther scoring with 26 points and Jaidyn Sellers adding 16.

“Our defense came alive in the third quarter, when we held Ogden to their first points and basket with 3:30 left in the quarter on our 11-0 run,” Coach Boettcher said. “We had girls step up and hit some big shots to extend the lead.”

The Panther girls are now 10-1 overall and 8-0 in Conference play. Their next game will be Tuesday at Madrid.

The Panther boys were not so lucky, losing 66-39 to the Ogden Bulldogs.

The Panthers got in foul trouble early, and the trouble was compounded by a strong defense by the Bulldogs, which forced turnovers.

The Panthers fought valiantly but did not win the battle.

The next court action for the Panthers will be Tuesday in Madrid.


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