Panther girls, boys top Ogden on two separate days

Kolby Shackelford drives the lane for Panorama against host W-G earlier this season. Gracen Welberg (31) and Zach Rizzuti (33) watch for the Pantthers.

OGDEN — The Panorama boys were 62-51 victors over host Ogden Saturday, three days after the Panther girls had scored a 67-31 win over the host Bulldogs Wednesday.

The Panther boys (11-10) raced to a 14-6 lead after one period, only to see the Bulldogs (12-8) claw back to within a point, down 19-18, at the break. The game was still in doubt after the third period, with the guests holding a tenuous 35-32 edge.

The lid suddenly came off the basket for both teams in a wild fourth frame, but the edge certainly went to Panorama, who used a 27-19 stanza to seize the victory.

Four Panthers — Zach Rizzuti (16), Malachi Peasley (14), Kolby Shackelford (13) and Gracen Welberg (12) — scored in double-digits. Jared Wasson added four points, Lucas Leiferman two and Drew Taylor one.

Rizzuti had 12 rebounds and six assists, with Welberg pulling down 14 boards while blocing four shots.

The Panthers attempted 27 free throws, sinking 17, and grabbed a total of 42 rebounds.

Statistical information from Ogden was not available.

The Panorama girls had no such suspense in their contest, with the Panthers roaring to a 32-13 halftime lead, the margin growing up three points to 46-24 after three frames. A 21-7 fourth quarter helped make the score lopsided.

Bailey Beckman poured in 24 points, with Morgan Johnk adding nine and Lydia Knapp eight. Payton Beckman and Ella Waddle had seven points apiece, Angel Poldberg four, Vallerie Storesund, Brooke Halterman and Carley Van Gundy two each and Anna Holloway and Shey Storesund one point each.

Johnk had eight rebounds, nine assists, five steals and three blocks to fill in a busy stat line, with Waddle snatching six boards.

Abby Langel had eight points for Ogden and Abbi Lentz and Denali Loecker six apiece. Allea Klauenberg had four points, Meredith Adreon three and Gabby Ross and Joelle Consier two each.


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