Patty Tiernan thanked for 20 years’ service to Granger EMS

Patty Tiernan of Granger, right, was honored Wednesday night for her 20 years of service on the Granger EMS team. Her fellow EMT, Bethany Stanger, left, helped arrange the award for Tiernan.

The Granger Volunteer Fire Department and EMS team includes, kneeling in front from left, Kenzie Thomas, 2, Bryan Thomas, Bethany Stanger and Willie Lehman; back row from left, Dustin Ritter, Jarren Thomas, 1, Andy Stanger, Jarrod Sturtz, Renee Lehman, Patty Tiernan, Lucas Schall, Chris Davis, Brad Feick, Scott Cullen and Jerrod Robinson. Tiernan was honored Wednesday by the Granger City Council. Photo courtesy Granger EMS

Patty Tiernan of Granger has served for two decades on the Granger Volunteer Fire Department, and the Granger City Council honored her Wednesday night at their regular meeting for reaching the 20-year milestone.

The council presented Tiernan with an award in appreciation of her service on Granger Emergency Medical Service (EMS) and in recognition of her accomplishments as a key player in the Granger community.

“I think I speak for everyone when I say that the citizens of Granger are very thankful to you for your service,” said Granger Mayor Karen Fuson in awarding the plaque to Tiernan.

Tiernan joined the fire department in 1996, receiving training to become a basic EMT and later an advanced EMT. She worked her way up the ranks and was promoted to the position of EMS captain, which she holds today.

Bethany Stanger of Granger, a friend and fellow EMT with Tiernan, noted a few of her friend’s accomplishments.

“Some of the larger and more impactful projects Patty has been a part of over the years include upgrading equipment and getting advanced equipment on the ambulance, getting a new ambulance, getting a billing program up and running and many others,” Stanger said.

Many members of the Granger Volunteer Fire Department attended Wednesday night’s meeting in order to see Tiernan received her honor. They tried to surprise Tiernan with the award, but she said she picked up a few clues in advance.

“Someone asked if we’d made out contribution to the Highway 141 sale,” she said, “and when I checked the bank record, I saw there was a bill on there for an award. That got me wondering.” She also said a number of people encouraged her more strongly than usual to attend this week’s city council meeting, so she had a pretty good idea what was coming.

Tiernan said some of the goals of her next 20 years in the department include building a new fire station and developing greater water-rescue capabilities.

“The city’s always been very good to us when we come with requests,” Tiernan said. “Granger is growing, and we want to be there to meet the people’s needs.”

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