Penn Center United Methodist Church serves 18 soups at annual feast

The Penn Center United Methodist Church, located between Dexter and Earlham, offers a charming rural setting for the final feast of fall.

Soup and sermons please the goof folk at the Penn Center United Methodist Church near Earlham.

The Saturday before Thanksgiving is always an important day for Pegasus volunteer Dan Haymond because he gets to visit his old stopping grounds close to his hometown of Macksburg.

What draws Haymond homeward is the annual soup dinner held at the rural Penn Center United Methodist Church located just south of Dexter and just north of Earlham.

This year’s dinner consisted of 18 different homemade soups along with dinner roll, relish tray, a variety of desserts and a beverage. This was all you can eat for a free-will donation.

Haymond dined on potato soup, chili and beef stew. For dessert he feasted on pumpkin pie and, after a short respite, on raspberry pie. He also visited with many of the attendees, whom he has know for many years.

Pegasus volunteer Doug Wood also attended the church supper and ate his fill.

A large number of handcrafted items were for sale in a country store, which also offered baked goods. Monies raised support various church programs and facility upkeep.

The Penn Center dinner always draws a large crowd, and the cramped basement was packed with visitors feasting on food and fellowship.

The dinner season has come to an end for this year. The Bouton Betterment Committee will host a breakfast Dec. 3 from 7-10 a.m., with Santa expected about 9 a.m.


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