Perry eighth graders hold middle school commencement

Perry eighth graders were treated to punch and cookies after their graduation ceremony Friday.

Friday was the last day of school for Perry public school students ranging from kindergarten through grade 11, and, except perhaps for the seniors-to-be, no group was likely more excited than the eighth graders, who will enter high school this August.

The class of 2020 gathered in the Perry Performing Arts Center at 1 p.m. for a special ceremony in which various awards and honors were dispensed.

Among the awards were those given for literacy and number of pages read, with 5,000 pages the top level. Fourteen students reached the milestone, with Kaylynn Bousman, Taylor Eppert, Rylynn Gilmore, Dannah Karolus, Angela Keller, Wilson Lemus, Hayden McFarland, Myka Meri, Hannah Peterson, Madison Pullica, Dakoda Strough, Alexandra Tasler, Sarah Vaughn and Lexie Welch honored.

A photograhic slideshow followed, eliciting plenty of laughs and smiles along with occasional ‘oohs’ and ‘ahhhs’ and, of course, some embarrassment.

The class finished their middle school careers with punch and cookies in the cafeteria.

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