The Perry Lions Club recently inducted a new member, Joseph Shelly of Perry, with Perry Lions Club President Harley McGuire leading the initiation ceremonies.
Shelly was sponsored for induction by Lion Lou Hoger.
Some of the service activities of the Perry Lions Club are:
- The Kid’s Sight program provides vision screening to hundreds of Perry pre-school children each year.
- A $1,000 scholarship is awarded to a Perry High School senior for his or her higher education.
- A Peace Poster Contest is held for Perry Middle School Students.
- The Flags over Perry Project, sponsored by the Perry Lions Club and the Perry Optimist Club, raises the American flag five times a year in front of subscribers’ houses.
- A roadside litter cleanup along Iowa Highway 141 is done twice a year.
- Assistance is provided to eligible people who need glasses or hearing aids.
The Perry Lions also gives financial support to many charities.
The Lions Clubs International, the world’s largest civic organization, was founded in 1921, and the Perry Club was chartered in 1972. The main goal of Lions Clubs is to support
members of society through humanitarian service.
If you are interested in joining this dynamic civic organization, contact one of the club members.
Ray Harden is secretary of the Perry Lions Club.