Perry Lions learn facts about human trafficking, smuggling

Perry Police Department Chief Eric Vaughn, left, and former Chief Dan Brickner, right, presented a sobering program on human trafficking and human smuggling to the Perry Lions Club Monday. Welcoming the lawmen was Perry Lion Don Strassburg. Photo courtesy Lions Club Secretary Ray Harden

The Perry Lions Club received a strong dose of reality at their Feb. 12 meeting when former Perry Police Chief Dan Brickner and current Perry Police Chief Eric Vaughn presented a program about human trafficking and human smuggling.

Lion Don Strassburg welcomed the lawmen, who explained that trafficking often involves young girls forced into the sex trade, while smuggling is usually associated with people taken into slave labor.

The dozen Lions in attendance watched a video about three young girls who got caught up in the sex trade and how they readjusted to normal life after they were freed.

Brickner now works as a homicide and violent crime victims advocate, helping people released from their captors adjust to society and begin a new life. His office is in Adel.

In other business, the local Lions heard a report on this year’s successful BRR breakfast. In elections for club officers, candidates for Lions Club President and Vice President were called for. Continuing in office will be Lion Lou Hoger as treasurer, Lion Gary Becker as Lion Tamer and Lion Harley McGuire as Tail Twister.


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