Perry Public Service Announcements


measuring-environmental-impact-america_262015 Severe Weather Awareness Week coming

Lori A. Riley, communications supervisor with the Perry Police Department, has issued the following public service announcement:

It’s that time of year again when the weather starts to warm up and the storm season approaches. The Emergency Management Division of Iowa Homeland Security and the National Weather Service (NWS) have designated the week of March 23-27 as Severe Weather Awareness Week.

Topics to be discussed this year will include:

  • Monday – Flooding
  • Tuesday – Warning reception
  • Wednesday – Tornadoes
  • Thursday – Severe thunderstorms
  • Friday – Family preparedness

The NWS will issue public information statements promoting weather safety each day during Severe Weather Awareness Week.  The NWS also provides information on their website concerning severe weather and preparedness at

The city of Perry will participate in the statewide tornado drill scheduled for Wednesday, March 25 at 10 a.m.

The siren tone will cycle as it does in a true emergency.   We do not sound an all clear.  The annual tornado drill is an excellent time to review tornado safety plans and conduct tornado drills in companies, schools and other facilities.

In the event of severe weather, the annual tornado drill will be postponed until Thursday, March 26.

Everyone is encouraged to participate in this annual event, and organizations should  review safety plans and set up a drill for staff members.

For more information on Severe Weather Awareness Wekk, call the Perry Police Department at 515-465-4636.

perry 009MCB lifeguard classes to start

Lifeguard classes at the McCreary Community Building will be held March 17-19.  Class will be held from 9 a.m. to 6 p.m. each day.  The cost is $115 for members and $135 for nonmembers, and the deadline to register is March 10.  Contact the MCB at 515-465-5621 or email for more information.

violet hillViolet Hill ground rules announced

From April 1 to Nov. 15, 2015, all decorations at the Violet Hill Cemetery must be contained in a vase, on the stone or on an ornamental lawn hook. Exceptions to this rule include:

  • Memorial Day: Decorations allowed ten days before and seven days after.
  • Mother’s Day and Father’s Day: Decorations allowed five days before and five days after.

All loose flowers or decorations must be removed by April 1.

Call City Hall at 515-465-2481 or Violet Hill Cemetery at 515-465-2755 if you have any questions.


copy_of_pplbuildingSpring Break events planned at Perry Public Library

Teddy Bear Sleepover, Monday, March 16, 6:30 p.m.

Have you ever wondered what your teddy bear does when you are not around? Children are invited to bring a stuffed animal they won’t mind leaving at the library overnight.  We will have a craft, snack and game and then the teddy bears will stay overnight.

St. Patrick’s Day party, Tuesday,march 17, 2:30 p.m.

Get your green on and come celebrate St. Patrick’s Day!  Families are invited to play games, read and listen to books, create a St. Pat’s craft and have a “green” snack.

Author visit, Wednesday, March 18, 10:30 a.m.

Former teacher Karen Menz and former student Jenni Schulteis have written and illustrated a children’s book entitled “Bounce!”  They will read the book, and the audience will then do an illustration project. Meet Ikaroo Kangaroo, Liberius Muttius and Lilibunn Bunny, and go on two adventures with them in the book. Come and meet the author and illustrator and ask any questions you may have about the writing process.

Wee Wonders Baby Storytime, Thursday, March 19, 10:30 a.m.

The Wee Wonders Baby Storytime is a library program for infants through 18 months and their parent/caregiver. The storytime lasts 25-30 minutes, and afterwards there will be social time for parents and play time for babies.  Each family will receive a board book to take home for the baby’s personal library. Registration is necessary by calling 465-3569 or

Lego Lab, Friday, March 20, 2:30 p.m.

Third through fifth graders are welcome to come to the library for “Dinos and Dragons” hour.  Children will create their own dinosaur or dragon using the library’s Legos.

All Spring Break activities are free and open to the public. For more information, call the Perry Public Library at 515-465-3569.


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