Quit habit in Great American Smokeout November 19


Set a reminder on your phone that the third Thursday of November is your day to quit smoking. Even quitting for a single day is a step toward better physical and financial health.

Quitting smoking has both immediate and long-term benefits at any age:

  • Save money
  • Cheaper insurance
  • Food tastes better
  • Breath, clothes and hair smell better
  • Whiter teeth
  • Healthier kids and pets

The 2020 version of the Great American Smokeout Thursday, Nov. 19 will be more individualized, with socially distanced supports such as online resources and tools. Quitline Iowa also offers free coaching by phone, text, email or chat.

The Iowa Department of Public Health has developed a free tobacco cessation program for youth who smoke or vape. Text “Start My Quit” to 855-891-9989.

Check with your insurance company — or talk to your Human Resources office at work — to see if smoking cessation treatments such as nicotine patches or gum are covered.

You can turn your efforts to quit smoking into something bigger than yourself. Consider donating to your local food pantry or other community charity the money you save from not using tobacco or smokeless nicotine products. It’s a win-win.

Ann Cochran is the health navigation coordinator in the Dallas County Public Health Department.


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