Raccoon Valley Bank makes six-figure donation to Let’s Connect

Marking the Raccoon Valley Bank's fulfilled pledge of $100,000 toward the Let's Connect trail Thursday were, front row from left, Diane Vallejo, Laurie Crawford, Irene Alfaro, Jolisa Mitchell, Yesica Mena, Mike Compiano, Sarah Garst, Dan Wilhelmi, Mike Wallace, Liz Garst, Jane Clausen, Jennifer Garst, Cookie Buckler, Melissa Netherton and Joan Barber; back row from left, Matt McDevitt, Kendall Rathje, Eric LeSher, Kathryn Sandie, Terry Nielsen, Doug McDermott, Jon Peters, Eileen Splendore, Abby Clayton, Dannelle McDowell, Kelsey Hughes and Denisse Westphal.

Sharing the joy at the Let’s Connect donation Thursday very Raccoon Valley Bank Board of Directors, from left, Jane Clausen, Doug McDermott, Dan Wilhelmi, Sarah Garst, Terry Nielsen, Mike Compiano, Liz Garst, Jennifer Garst and Jon Peters.

The Raccoon Valley Bank paid its final installment on the $100,000 donation to the Let’s Connect connector trail from the Raccoon River Valley Trail to the High Trestle Trail, a commitment first made by the bank in April 2015.

Mike Wallace, director of the Dallas County Conservation Board, which is constructing the connector trail, told the attendees that the Raccoon Valley Bank’s $100,000 donation brings the project to about 80 percent of its fundraising goal.

Terry Nielsen were board member Sarah Garst, Dan Wilhelmi, Liz Garst, Jane Clausen, Jennifer Garst, Doug McDermott, Jon Peters, Mike Compiano,

Wallace was joined at the celebration by the member of the Raccoon Valley Bank Board of Directors, Jane Clausen, Mike Compiano, Jennifer Garst, Liz Garst, Sarah Garst, Doug McDermott, Terry Nielsen, Jon Peters and Dan Wilhelmi.

The Raccoon Valley Bank, with headquarters in Perry and branches in several other towns on the Raccoon River Valley Trail, has a history of strong trail support. In 2010 the bank’s charitable arm made a $75,000 donation toward matching funds for the 33-mile north loop of the Raccoon River Valley Trail, a project completed in 2013.

Terry Nielsen, president, chief executive officer and senior trust officer of the Raccoon Valley Bank, said the bank’s charitable foundation is happy to continue its support for the trail system.

The Let’s Connect project’s estimated cost is $5 million, according to Wallace. He said phase-two construction, proceeding westward from Woodward, will begin in the spring.


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