Rippey poised for Saturday’s 48th annual BRR Ride

Homemade pie will be among the BRR Ride staples at the Rippey United Methodist Church Saturday.

RIPPEY, Iowa — Rippey will once again cherish its Bike Ride to Rippey tradition on Saturday, Feb. 1, with the 48th annual BRR Ride.

Registration runs from 8 a.m. to 1 p.m. at the Hotel Pattee in Perry. The ride starts at 10 a.m., with riders making their trek to Rippey, where the community awaits with warm food, familiar faces, cheerful hospitality, music and beer.

At the Rippey United Methodist Church, the church will join with the Rippey Ballpark Commission to serve a baked potato bar, with a variety of toppings, chili, nachos with cheese and a selection of pies (a BRR Ride staple), desserts and beverages.

At the Rippey Community Center, the Rippey Lions Club will offer their traditional roast beef sundaes, complete with a cherry tomato on top (they disappear fast), alongside chili, bars, brownies and beverages.

On the corner of Main and Third streets, the Thirsty Pigs will continue the tradition by providing beer and a D.J., creating a lively atmosphere for everyone to enjoy while hanging out with company on a gorgeous, warm BRR day.

Sarah Killgore writes for the Friends of Rippey


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