Risk of falling increases with age, but you can be ready, steady


Accidental trips and falls can happen to anyone but as we age into older adulthood, our fall-risk increases. In older age, simple falls can cause broken bones, which can lead to other health problems and even long-term disability.

There are many reasons why your risk of falling increases with age. Eyesight, hearing and reflexes tend to decline over time.

Older adults might experience muscle weakness, worsening sense of balance or dementia.

Medications can sometimes cause dizziness, which can lead to falls.

Fortunately, there are simple steps you can take to prevent falls:

• Stay physically active. Exercise can improve or maintain your strength, balance and flexibility. Try activities like walking, tai chi or yoga.
• Get vision and hearing tests regularly. Keep up to date with routine exams, and make an appointment right away if you notice any changes to your vision or hearing.
• Fall-proof your home. Use non-slip rugs. Add grab-bars in the bathroom, and keep rooms well-lit. Be sure to put away any clutter or cords that could be trip hazards, too.
• Choose the right footwear. Wear supportive sneakers rather than sandals or slippers.
• Talk to your doctor. If you notice that you’re losing your balance more easily, let your primary care provider know. They might change any medications that can cause dizziness, recommend physical therapy or prescribe assistive devices like canes or walkers.

If you do fall, try to stay calm and take a moment to breathe before carefully trying to get up. If you don’t think that you are injured, roll onto your side, and then crawl to a chair before standing again.

If you are hurt or can’t get up on your own, ask for help or call 911. Keep a charged cell phone on you at all times, or consider wearing an emergency response button to easily contact help.

Natalie Peters is the community health educator in the Dallas County Public Health Department.


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