Scheibs winterize Big Bike lights, celebrate Let’s Connect progress

Cherie Tice Scheib and Kent Scheib do their part for Perry pride and the Raccoon River Valley Trail Bike Big Connector Trail Friday with some winterizing maintenance.

Three years have passed since Perry rolled out the Big Bike selfie spot and fundraising icon for the Let’s Connect Perry-to-Woodward rec trail campaign, which is now 75 percent of the way to its $5 million goal.

In order to keep the momentum rolling, Perry boosters Cheri and Kent Scheib performed some winterizing maintenance Friday afternoon on the lights that encircle the ever-turning wheels of the Big Bike.

On Thursday Dallas County Conservation Board Director Mike Wallace accepted a $5,000 grant from the Bock Family Foundation for the connector trail project, and he told the audience about progress toward the fundraising goal.

Wallace said the conservation board should learn in the next few weeks whether the RRVT has landed a Federal Recreational Trail grant for the 2020 federal fiscal year. The connector trail project between Perry and Woodward was awarded a $392,610 State Recreational Trails grant in September.

The Scheibs fortified their public spirits following their Big Bike maintenance by sipping and shopping in downtown Perry at a Sip and Shop event promoted by local merchants in downtown Perry.


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