Smiths came for the bike trail and stayed for the fireworks

Visiting Perry from Fort Lauderdale, Fla., are, from left, Megan Smith, 16, her mom, Kate Smith, and dad, Doug Smith, the son of Carol Smith, right, and Bob Smith, who was sadly out of camera range but whose hand is visible at the far right. The Smiths said they enjoyed the holiday celebrations and riding on the Raccoon River valley Trail. Morning coffee at the Perry Perk coffeehouse was also a pleasure.

Doug and Kate Smith of Fort Lauderdale, Fla., said the temperature in Perry Wednesday morning was about the same as in their Florida home.

“But the humidity is a lot less here,” Doug said, and Kate noted there are fewer air-borne varmints in Iowa in July.

Megan Smith, 16, in town with her parents, said Perry is a nice change from her home, which is a major metropolitan area with more than 6 million residents.

Doug is the son of Bob and Carol Smith of Perry, and all were gathered for morning coffee at the Perry Perk Wednesday.

All were pleased with Tuesday Independence day parade in Perry and the fireworks that night, but the traveling Smiths said the Raccoon River Valley Trail is always the highlight of their visits.

“This was our first year to ride to Jamaica,” Doug said. “The trail really is a tremendous asset to Perry.”


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