The New Yorker’s Bloper – Massacre cartoon reprise



  1. As a proud NRA life member, I know of no NRA member responsible for committing an atrocity like what has happened in either shootings in Southern Florida, Las Vegas or anywhere else. This cartoon insinuates the NRA somehow “champions” this kind of unfortunate behavior. More laws aren’t the answer. Enforcing the existing laws is. Blaming lawful gun owners for crime is like blaming owners of spoons for Oprah Winfrey’s being fat. I have walked in and out of a great number of gun shows where guns are bought and sold and have never witnessed a shooting. Background checks are done on the spot by the FBI, and anyone not filling the requirements for gun ownership is refused. It is truly unfortunate for that community in Florida, but more gun control isn’t the answer. More dialogue is needed, and hopefully an answer can be found.


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