Two new Dallas County espresso sources make reopening fun

Little Carter Putz is held by mother Makayla Putz with father Andrew Putz behind on the second day of operation of the Morning Grind coffeehouse at 720 Prairie St. in Adel.

With Iowans raring to reopen Iowa fully and get back to work after 51 days under a virtual stay-at-home order that the governor never officially proclaimed but strongly urged, both essential and non-essential workers might need a little reassurance that all is well and life goes on much the same as before.

And what better way to say normal than an espresso drink?

Perry is blessed to have the Perry Perk coffeehouse at 1201 Warford St., where Tari Mason has been serving coffee and comestibles since Christmas Eve of 2013, and the shop has become a hub of Perry art and culture and politics.

But what if your duties call you to the central or southern parts of Dallas County? You are in luck if they do because Dallas Center and Adel have each seen a new coffeehouse open for business right in the thick of the global pandemic.

If your coming to the middle parts of the county, then espresso drinks await at Sugar Grove Goods at 1401 Walnut St. in downtown Dallas Center. Owner Meg Dickinson opened for carry-out service April 17, exactly one month after the governor proclaimed a State of Public Health Disaster Emergency.

“Online ordering is available,” Meg said, “and highly encouraged to keep our shop a safe space for everyone. That said, you are welcome to order inside as well. All drinks will have to be in disposable cups and to-go. Hopefully we’ll be able to have a big party soon!”

Meg also runs Sugar Grove Farm, which specializes in handmade goat milk soap, bath bombs and solid lotions, and she plans to features her products in the coffeehouse once Iowans prized liberties are fully restored, possibly on or after May 15.

In the meantime, Meg is serving to-go coffee and baked goods of many kinds from 6:30-11 a.m. weekdays and 7:30 a.m. to 1 p.m. on Saturdays. Customers may order online at

If duty draws you to the southern regions of Dallas County, satisfy your espresso needs at the Morning Grind coffeehouse at 720 Prairie St. in Adel, which opened May 1.

The Morning Grind is served by owners Andrew and Makayla Putz, with infant Carter making the business a family affair. The shop is located across Nile Kinnick Drive from the offices of the Dallas County Farm Bureau, with easy in-and-out drive-through access.

The Friday kick off was called a COVID-19 Opening, and people in the county seat showed their gratitude for the new caffeine source.

“Adel, you guys have showed us so much love opening weekend,” said Makayla. “I wanted to take a minute to thank all of you for taking time out of your day to come and see us. I personally have loved getting to chat with each of you individually and putting some names to faces. I cannot believe we are so lucky to be part of such an amazing community!”

The Morning Grind’s drive-through and indoor service is open weekdays from 5:30 a.m. to 1:30 p.m. and Saturdays and Sundays from 7 a.m. until noon. Customers may order online at


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