VIDEO: Memorial Day observance held at Perry Performing Arts Center

VFW Post 206 Commander Ron Leber (seated) listens as American Legion Post 85 Commander Mike Kelley addresses the crowd during Memorial Day ceremonies at the Perry Performing Arts Center.

A ceremony honoring America’s fallen heroes was held Monday at the Perry Performing Arts Center in commemoration of Memorial Day.

The program began with a posting of the colors, with Dr. Randy McCaulley performing the Star Spangled Banner, which was followed by the Pledge of Allegiance and an invocation from Kevin Jacobs, American Legion Vice Commander and Dallas County Commander.

McCaulley led the assembly in “God Bless the USA” after American Legion Post Commander Mike Kelley read the Gettysburg Address.

VFW Post 2060 Commander Ron Leber read a selection entitled “A Soldier Died Today” with Kelley offering remarks in which he posed the question “Was It Worth It?”

A roll call was held and “America the Beautiful” performed by McCaulley, with the colors retired before those attending stepped outside for a ceremonial volley from a joint American Legion/VFW color guard. The playing of “Taps” by Steve Cook closed the event, with refreshments courtesy of Carris Funeral Homes offered in the PPAC lobby.

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