Week ends unstressed at Chamber’s Friday Fest

The smell of frying tortillas was one of the many pleasures at the summer's first Friday Fest at Pattee Park in Perry.

The first free Friday Fest of the 2015 season attracted about 100 Perry-area partiers to Pattee Park for some end-of-the-week relaxation.

Jason Reed and Darren Matthews are Glovebox Whiskey, a band specializing in Americana roots rock, entertained the crowd at the first Friday Fest in Pattee Park..
Jason Reed and Darren Matthews, Glovebox Whiskey, a band specializing in Americana roots rock, entertained the crowd at the first Friday Fest in Pattee Park..

Local musical group Glove Box Whiskey took the stage at 6:30 p.m. and played their brand of Americana roots rock for nearly two hours.

Perry-area food and beverage vendors were on hand, selling a variety of goods at the show, including Hy-Vee with grilled meats, the Gyro truck with lamb kebabs and Tacqueria Villa with rotisserie pork burritos and other tasty favorites.

Bean bag tossing and inflatables were available for the youngsters.

The Dallas County Hospital provided an exhibit demonstrating a new form of cardiopulmonary resuscitation (CPR).  The Raccoon River Valley Bike Co.

friday fest logoThe year’s first community-wide Friday Fest was a success, according to Bob Wilson, executive director of the Perry-Area Chamber of Commerce, which sponsors the monthly events during the summer. The events are also supported by local businesses and organizations through donations and sponsorships, Wilson said.

The next Friday Fest is set for Friday, July 17 and will feature The Nadas. The final Fest is Friday, August 21 with local band RUKKUS.

ThePerryNews.com photos by Mark Summerson.

Video courtesy of PEGASUS TV-12 and volunteer Doug Wood



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