Winter scarves not lost but waiting to be found

Anonymous donors deploy winter warmth plan

Scarves along the route of Friday's Lighted Christmas Parade are not lost but rather meant for those who need some warmth.

If you attend Friday’s Lighted Christmas Parade in Perry and see woolen neck scarves tied here and there along the parade route, around poles or trees or on railings, do not suppose they were carelessly lost.

On the contrary, they were carefully placed.

The winter scarves along the parade route are the first step in a charitable effort to get warm winter clothing to anyone who needs it.

Each scarf will have a small note attached, a little poem explaining its meaning and purpose. Some kindhearted people in the Perry area, who have asked to remain anonymous, got the idea from similar efforts in some larger metropolitan areas in Canada and the U.S.

“We’re just little Perry,” a spokesperson for the donors said, “but we have people in need here, too. This is a way we thought to pay it forward.”

As the givers are anonymous, so are the receivers. No one’s eligibility will be checked or income verified. If your neck is cold, take a scarf, and get a warm heart in the bargain.

“We’ll be doing this again through the winter,” the spokesperson said.



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