Perry Lions make donations, commendations, elect new officers

Newly elected Perry Lions Club President Jim McCauley received the gavel from outgoing President Harley McGuire. McCauley will serve as the club's president for the 2019 - 2020 fiscal year.

Incoming Perry Lions Club officers for 2019-2020 include, from left, Secretary Ray Harden, Treasurer Lou Hoger, President Jim McCauley, Past President Harley McGuire, Vice President Richard Hoesing, Lion Tamer Gary Becker and Tail Twister Don Strassburg.

Thirteen Perry Lions attended the June 24 meeting at the Hotel Pattee in Perry.

After a meal of beef and noodles — made with homemade noodles and braised beef over garlic-flavored mashed potatoes — and three varieties of cupcakes for dessert, served by Harvey’s at Hotel Pattee, the membership turned to club business.

Secretary Ray Harden reported the club received a thank you letter from the International Lions Club Foundation in recognition of the Perry Lions’ $400 donation to the foundation’s fund. The donation allowed the Perry Lions to receive two Melvin Jones Awards, which will be given to two members at a future meeting.

It was announced that Lion Eldon Morris has decided to drop his membership in the club for personal reasons. The club members expressed regret for his demission.

A Certificate of Appreciation was given to Lion John Andorf for his continued work as chairman of the Kids Sight Program. Lion Harley McGuire also received a Certificate of Appreciation for his devoted service as president of the Perry Lions Club for the 2018-2019 fiscal year.

Lion Richard Saemisch also presented Lion McGuire with a 45-year Lions Club Membership Pin.

Lion Dave Wright reported on the flag project, which netted $2,950 this year. He said 249 flags were set out on Flag Day June 14, with the Perry Lions raising 127 of these flags and the Perry Optimist Club setting out 122.

On July 4, the Lions and Optimists will meet at 6:30 a.m. to begin putting out the flags, and the Lions will also put flags up in the downtown area July 5 in honor the the Perry Sesquicentennial Celebrations.

President McGuire installed the elected officers for the 2019-2020 fiscal year, reading them the duties of their office and charging them with the responsibility of fulfilling them to the best of their ability. Lions Club officers elected for the 2019-2020 fiscal year included Secretary Ray Harden, Treasurer Lou Hoger, President Jim McCauley, Past President Harley McGuire, Vice President Richard Hoesing, Lion Tamer Gary Becker and Tail Twister Don Strassburg.


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