¡Olé! Connie McGuire’s birthday celebrated with tiny sombreros

Celebrating in tiny sombreros at the Perry Perk coffeehouse Wednesday morning were, clockwise from left, Shirley Ehlers, Helen Robinson, Carolyn Guay, Karol Mueller, birthday girl Connie McGuire and Lois Hoger. Not pictured is Pat Mundy.

Connie McGuire, left, and her husband, Dr. Harlyn McGuire, were fitted with matching tiny sombreros Wednesday mornng at the Perry Perk coffeehouse.

Connie McGuire was feted for her birthday Wednesday at the Perry Perk coffeehouse when she and her friends donned tiny sombreros for a private party.

Joining Connie on her special day were Pat Munday, Shirley Ehlers, Helen Robinson, Carolyn Guay, Karol Mueller and Lois Hoger.

Speaking privately, Mundy claimed the gathering was in fact a secret initiation of the vestal virgins, a claim the veracity of which is perhaps best left to the researches of the Perry Historical Preservation Commission, of which McGuire is the president.

Connie’s husband, Dr. Harlyn McGuire, was also fitted with the hacienda headwear.


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