Preaching ‘kindness,’ Jill Biden denounces Trump’s ‘hatred and bigotry’

Dr. Jill Biden brought a message of unity and civility to about 60 people at La Poste Sunday afternoon.

Dr. Jill Biden, wife of the Democratic candidate and former U.S. Vice President Joe Biden, visited Perry Sunday afternoon with a message meant to “inspire to kindness” a “nation capable of beautiful and powerful things.”

About 60 people attended the meet-and-greet event at La Poste, where Biden lamented the “hatred and bigotry” fostered by U.S. President Donald J. Trump. She said a Joe Biden presidency would help to “mend the fault lines of the heart” and “build the bonds of community” that Trump has damaged.

The contrast in character between her husband and the current president received the greatest emphasis in Biden’s remarks. She said Joe Biden would be “a statesman who will be a strong and steady commander in chief,” unlike the erratic and vacillating tweeter in chief now impersonating a president.

“Power, character, duty and respect” are the primary qualities Joe Biden will bring to the nation’s highest elected office, she said. Her husband has launched a No Malarkey! bus tour in Iowa, contrasting his truthfulness with the president’s lying.

Jill Biden’s exercise in virtue signalling became more concrete when she listed some of Joe Biden’s many accomplishments during 36 years as a U.S. senator from Delaware. No U.S. president since Lyndon B. Johnson would bring as much experience and influence in Congress as Biden.

Jill Biden said Joe Biden is the “one candidate with the deep experience” needed to “bring people together” and “take on Trump in Pennsylvania, Michigan, Florida and Ohio and win.”

Before retiring to the selfie corner for photos with fans, Biden answered a couple of questions from the audience. A woman asked whether Joe Biden can “repair our international relations,” and Jill Biden said her husband would lead the U.S. to rejoin the Paris Agreement and restore confident relations with military and trade allies.


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