Hy-Vee Inc. announces one-way aisles, one-cart rule


Hy-Vee Inc. announced new shopping rules Friday in response to the ongoing novel coronavirus global pandemic, including a one-cart rule and one-way aisles.

The Perry Hy-Vee issued the following statement Friday:

We are continuing to make changes in our stores to protect the health and well-being of our employees and customers:

  1. Over the coming days, we will install temporary window panels on the back side of checkouts to help provide an additional layer of protection for both cashiers and customers.
  2. This weekend, you will begin to see one-way directional signage in our aisles that will assist with efforts to maintain six feet of social distancing throughout the store.
  3. Effective April 6, Hy-Vee customers will be strongly encouraged to follow a “one person per cart” rule to avoid shopping in large groups in an effort to limit the number of people in stores at any given time.

The store hours are 8 a.m. to 8 p.m.


  1. Excellent idea. Military commissaries on army posts and air and naval bases have exercised this rule for years. The practice lessens congestion, and now it may help keep us all healthier.

  2. My question is what about the single parents in the community who don’t have sitters and have no choice but to bring kids. That makes it very hard for them to get the things they need. Hopefully, there are exceptions for this.


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