Letter to the editor: PEA reflects on year’s accomplishments

Bluejays fall to Ogden in first game of new football sesaon.

To the editor:

The Perry Education Association (PEA) accomplished a lot of things last school year, and we couldn’t have done it without our members! We are more than a bargaining unit, and we are happy to be here to support our teacher members, students, families, our school and our community.

The next time someone asks you what PEA does besides negotiate salary, you can share some of the awesome things on this list! We’re looking forward to being here in 2020-2021 and accomplishing more great things!


The PEA negotiations team worked with the board and administration in March to negotiate a $325 increase to the base salary.

Member Perks

Monthly Member Drawings: each month a drawing was held for a gift certificate for a local Perry business.

Care packages: during distance learning last spring, PEA officers put together care packages for members filled with items from local businesses.

Supporting Teacher Members

Book Fairs: PEA purchased books on teacher wish lists at the elementary and middle school book fairs and made a donation to the middle school library.

Mini-Grants: Members could apply for mini-grants of up to $50 to assist with expenses related to teaching from home during distance learning last spring.

Supporting Students

PEA paid all of the computer fines for students last spring — nearly $1,500 — so all students could have access to their computers.

PEA awarded two $500 scholarships to graduating seniors planning to pursue an education degree: Odaly Perla and Mary Ann Riesberg.

Supporting Perry Families

PEA received a grant from the Iowa State Education Association and matching funds from the Kiwanis Club and Optimist Club to purchase food for families in need in our community. We worked with the guidance counselors to identify families in need, and more than $2,000 was invested back into the community by purchasing items from local businesses and producers. Items were delivered to families by PEA officers.

Supporting PCSD Staff

To say thank you for all their hard work during the shut-down, PEA purchased lunches for all the district’s essential staff one day last spring, including administration, maintenance and custodial staff and food service.

School Board Meetings and Teacher Quality Committee

PEA makes sure we have at least one member present at each school board meeting and Teacher Quality Committee meeting throughout the year. The TQ Committee develops and approves the plans for professional development funds.

Representation and Communication

PEA officers solicit feedback from members and share questions and concerns with administrators. We are here to represent you and be by your side whenever necessary. We consult with our Uniserv Director regularly and stay up to date with the latest information affecting educators and students.

Jenn Nelson, president, Perry Education Association


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