Diabetes complications can be managed with effort


If you have diabetes, no matter what type, it means you have too much glucose (sugar) in your blood.

According to the American Diabetes Association, possible complications of diabetes include heart disease, kidney, nerve and eye damage and —  due to poor blood flow — damage to the skin and feet.

Hearing loss and Alzheimer’s disease are more common among diabetics.

You already know that better eating habits and regular exercise help fight diabetes, but it can seem like challenges are stacked against you. Changing longtime habits is the first hurdle.

Second, your income influences how likely it is you will have diabetes with complications. If you’re struggling financially, you might choose low-cost French fries instead of fresh fruit, and macaroni and cheese might be more affordable than ingredients for a nice big salad.

Changing eating habits is made tougher by slick marketing of food and beverages that you’ve been told to avoid.

If you’re having trouble buying the kind of foods your doctor recommends, contact the Dallas County Health Navigators at 515-993-3750 or phn@dallascountyiowa.gov. Health Navigation is free for anyone currently living in Dallas County and can help you connect with resources to ease the cost burden of nutritious food.

Ann Cochran is the health navigation coordinator in the Dallas County Public Health Department.


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