Letter to the editor: Reader challenges factual accuracy of claims

Allerton Republic Sen. Amy Sinclair, chair of the Iowa Senate Education Committee, steered SF159, the bill for charter schools and vouchers, to passage last week.

To the editor:

I write to challenge Linda Andorf’s assertions in yesterday’s “The Perry News” that the bill SF 159 now pending in the Iowa legislature would: (1) “divert public dollars” to home schooling and (2) that “there is no oversight on home-school curriculum.”

Her first assertion is simply an error. The bill makes tax credits — not vouchers — available to homeschool families. A family would keep a little bit more of their own money. They would not receive any public dollars. Read pages 42-46 of the bill, and it’s clear.

Her second assertion is also erroneous. Thankfully, Iowa homeschool families encounter less wasteful red tape than they did prior to the reforms made eight years ago. But under all available options, there continue to be clear requirements that must be met, as explained by Home School Legal Defense Association and the Iowa Department of Education.

Scott Woodruff
Purcellville, Virginia


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