Letter to the editor: Build back better with American Jobs Plan


To the editor:

The American Jobs Plan sounds very visionary and exciting. We are in a race against China to modernize our country.

Iowa is the land between two rivers. There are many locks and dams as well as bridges over the Mississippi and Missouri Rivers. Iowa also has many waterways within the state that need bridge repairs. State and federal highways need to be maintained.

Our rural areas need high-speed broadband so we can work from any location. Des Moines needs to be connected to Omaha, Kansas City, St. Louis, Chicago and Minneapolis with high-speed rails. By neglecting these issues, we are harming the progress of Iowa businesses.

Clean water includes a need to replace cities water lines and sewage systems. We need to make school buildings, city, state and federal office buildings more energy efficient and meet air quality standards.

The American Jobs Plan bill should also include housing energy assistance. We also need to find ways to pay for these improvements that will give us significant savings.

Contact your congressional lawmakers and senators to add any issues important to Iowa.

Julie Stewart


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