Letter to the editor: Big-hearted Minburn loves its patriotic pies


To the editor:

Where could you hold a Fourth of July pie auction and generate over $15,000 from the sale of 37 homemade pies?

In Minburn, of course.

If you want to go shopping, watch a movie, buy groceries or get a mani-pedi, don’t head for Minburn. But if you are looking for a small town with community spirit “bigger than all outdoors.” you have come to the right place . . . the small town with a big heart!

Minburn is home to several successful businesses, including two veterinary clinics, two trucking firms, three bars/restaurants and hosts branch offices of a regional bank, a communications company and a regional co-op elevator. It has a public library and a volunteer fire department and emergency rescue team.

But the heart of Minburn extends far beyond the city limits. Local farmers, backhoe operators, body shop and chopper shop owners, insurance agents, electricians and a host of other individuals call Minburn home and show their love by supporting each and event throughout the year.

Minburn is famous for generating “big bucks” with its annual American Legion Pie Contest and Auction. The proceeds are used by the Legion Post to help purchase Minburn’s Fourth of July fireworks and, more importantly, to promote and support worthy Veterans programs and community projects throughout the year.

In a year when COVID is still a concern for many, the response to a pie auction with no pie judging and no prizes for pie bakers was uncertain. But to nobody’s surprise, local bakers answered the call, and the tradition continues! With the help of generous businesses and individuals, a skilled and personable auctioneer (Shane Boston) and good-natured banter among spectators, a record-shattering auction resulted!

Margie Kenyon
Dallas Center


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